Heating oil, propane, gasoline, and natural gas could all jump, if tariffs on Canada move forward.
The state’s consumer advocate says the new system could bring more price volatility and risk for customers.
The rates were lower than Eversource’s at the time the three towns signed their contracts, but the utility company has since dropped its rate.
Surgen críticas a Sununu por querer enviar tropas a la frontera sur. Legisladores proponen proyecto para desalojar inquilinos después de que haya expirado un contrato. Hospitales de NH enfrentan aumento de enfermedades respiratorias.
Lower cost for fuel allowed utilities to lower their rates this winter, leaving less room for the Community Power Coalition to find savings.
The new plans are mostly the same as current programs, with small changes.
Se espera que los costos de calefacción se mantengan altos este año, y los funcionarios dicen que aplicar antes de que se ponga frío afuera ayudaría a procesar las aplicaciones.
Costs are expected to stay high for heating this year, and officials say applying for help before it starts to get cold will help with processing applications.
The company’s in the process of having its rates reevaluated, but they’re also proposing a temporary increase that would add about $100 per year for average customers.
The solar array is set to be the largest in the state when it’s built, according to the company.