New Hampshire Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte expressed frustration with the budget stalemate and debt ceiling crisis on “Face The Nation” Sunday morning.…
A week into a government shutdown, with a looming debt ceiling crisis, politicians remain rooted in their positions. Many people wonder if we’ve become…
As another debt ceiling deadline looms, on top of a government shutdown, we’ll look at what our nation’s defining document, particularly the fourteenth…
There has been a rise in popularity in Greece of extreme leftist and ultra-right parties who are strongly opposed to the painful austerity measures that have been imposed as part of the international bailout.
Greece has been making big cutbacks to its public sector as part of across-the-board austerity measures. This means there are fewer guards protecting the country's cultural heritage, and two recent thefts point to the dangers.
"Nobody's out buying bars right now," he says. "Banks in Spain are not lending a cent — a euro cent."
For weeks, it has been assumed that the owners of Greek government bonds would go along with the bond swap deal that was worked out last month. Now there are signs that some bondholders don't like the size of the loss they're in for.