By some counts, there are more than 600 different muscles in the human body. Some say 700. Others put the number at 800.Muscles can be wide or flat. They…
Today, two stories about different kinds of ambition: one a desire to sculpt the body and the other a desire to sculpt legislation. NHPR reporter Todd…
Our exploration of Aesthletics reminded us of some of our other favorite bizarre sports. From the safe, if not always tame, World Beard and Moustache…
This...Is Dartmouth Idol“Dartmouth Idol” is the Ivy League college’s version of the ultra-popular TV show and singing competition…it may also be one of few venues where you’ll…
Bid By Resident Power for PSNH Customers Heats UpFor customers of the state’s largest electric utility, Public Service of New Hampshire, electric rates are going up this week. Resident Power, the new…
A Facial Hair Face-OffWhen I read about the New York City Beard Competition on the New York Times's City Room blog, I had to find out more about it...can you blame me? Turns…