We review two major reports focusing on child protective services in New Hampshire. In its annual report, the Office of the Child Advocate, formed in 2018…
For children experiencing abuse or neglect, schools and support services are essential. With schools closed and stay-at-home orders in place until at…
Lawmakers heard reaction on Tuesday to a recent report from the Office of Child Advocate that found widespread use of restraints and seclusion on children…
Children were restrained or secluded more than 20,000 times in residential youth behavioral health facilities in New Hampshire over a five year period…
Almost 500 infants born in New Hampshire between July 2018 and September 2019 had signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome. That's according to a new report…
A new report by the Office of the Child Advocate says the state agency tasked with investigating allegations of child abuse is hampered by poor…
New Hampshire’s Office of the Child Advocate is launching a review of some practices used by residential youth facilities in the state.Child Advocate…
The New Hampshire Office of the Child Advocate is launching a review into how restraint and seclusion are being used on children in behavioral health…
New Hampshire's Child Advocate says the Department of Corrections and the Division for Children, Youth and Families could do more to protect children from…
The state Office of Child Advocate has announced it is currently reviewing how the Department for Children Youth and Families handles cases of infants…