On Tuesday, New Hampshire voters will head to the polls to cast votes in national and statewide races.Thanks to NHPR's New Hampshire Elections Database,…
Conventional wisdom holds that Bernie Sanders' and Donald Trump's big wins in New Hampshire’s presidential primary earlier this month were driven by…
Wondering where to vote on Tuesday? What time polls open? Whether or not you need to bring ID?The New Hampshire Secretary of State's Office provides a…
If you want to know whether Hillary Clinton will stay close to Bernie Sanders Tuesday, or are looking for an early hint of how the Republican race will…
New Hampshire political history resounds with the names of candidates who used the state's First in the Nation Presidential Primary to vault to national…
It’s one of the most conventional nuggets of political wisdom: To win an election, first secure your base, then expand from there.But recent New Hampshire…
The presidential primary trail is taking a rare detour through New Hampshire’s North Country this week.Republican candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush and…
Whether measured in polls, crowds or money raised, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton appear in a tight race as New Hampshire's Primary Day…
The towns in New Hampshire's White Mountains region have been must-stops on the campaign schedules of presidential candidates for decades. The region's…
Presidential candidates boosted their spending in New Hampshire this summer, spending nearly six times as much as they did in the previous three month…