Northern Pass officials held the first in a series of town meetings Monday night to explain – and convince residents to accept – their new route.
“The purpose is to share information, answer questions and get feedback,” said Northern Pass spokesman Michael Skelton.
The initial meeting was held in Millsfield, an unincorporated place, between Errol and Colebrook. It only has about two dozen residents.
Instead of a seated audience asking questions, there were displays among which residents could move, asking questions about topics including the route, regulatory process, environmental impact and construction.
“I think they’ve done a good job in their presentations. I think it is something they should have done a long time ago,” said Rick Samson, a Coos County Commissioner who represents Millsfield.
About four dozen people attended, including many from nearby communities.
Meetings are planned along the entire route, according to Northern Pass. Here are those scheduled so far:
Tuesday August 13 – Stark & Dummer
Stark Fire Station
1276 Stark Hwy
Stark, NH 03582
Wednesday, August 14th – Stewartstown & Clarksville
The Outback Pub at the Spa Restaurant
869 Washington Street
West Stewartstown, NH 03576
Tuesday, August 20th – Pittsburg
Community Hall at the United Methodist Church
US Route 3
Pittsburg, NH 03592
Wednesday, August 21st – Groveton
Carter Hall at the United Methodist Church
Church Street
Groveton, NH 03582
Each open house will run from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.