On May 3rd, NH Civics along with NHPR continued our series of candid conversations at the Rochester Opera House, to discuss the meaning of citizenship today. These talks have been held throughout Spring 2022, and are hosted by Laura Knoy.
Panelists for the Rochester conversation included:
- Anna Brown, Director of Research & Analysis, Citizens Count
- Lovey Roundtree Oliff, Exeter Select Board member, host of the PodCaste System podcast
- Bruce Mallory, NH Listens Co-founder, Co-Author of the NH Civic Health Index
- Kaitlin Rocca, Exeter High School student, member of NH Civic Learning Coalition
The final event in this series is happening Tuesday, May 17, at Berlin City Hall.
Attendees can choose to join in person or virtually for a live discussion about how New Hampshire's people and communities can act now to build back our civic strength.
Events are free, but registration is required.
Sign up and find out more here.