NHPR Calendar of Virtual and Pandemic-oriented concerts, open mics, etc
August 31, 2020 edition
Many virtual event announcements have short lead-times. This listing may be missing important online concerts that are announced the same week they occur. Check the NHPR Folk Show Facebook page for timely announcements.
Daily (or every weekday)
Jud Caswell’s Morning Cordial Series ~ https://www.youtube.com/judcaswell or https://www.facebook.com/judcaswellmusic/playlist/429147271282854/ (see also his irregular, hour-long “Evening Cordial” home concert series.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Virtual Songfest Zoomfest (Transatlantic virtual festival) ~ 11am EDT ~ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-songfest-zoomfest-tickets-116141982797 ~
A 'virtual' micro-music-festival celebrating really good songs and the folks who write 'em.
Join us for an afternoon and evening of powerful, poignant, and hilarious songs and stories by some of today's most accomplished and acclaimed songsmiths! This 'virtual' SongFest 'ZoomFest' artist lineup will include singer-songwriters, Dean Friedman, Boothby Graffoe, Tracey Curtis, Attila the Stockbroker, Charlotte Campbell, Vance Gilbert, Katy Rose Bennett, Daniel Cainer, Lach and The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre, among others (to be announced)
Honey and the Bear (livestream) ~ 2:30pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/honeyandthebear/
Sunday, August 30, 2020 and every Sunday
Sunday Funday Country Music Hour with TBE (Featuring Miss Tess) ~ 2pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/263625267981346/
Online Ballad Sing Live from the Mermaid Tavern (Lynn Noel and friends) ~ 2pm ~ https://sites.google.com/view/lynnoel/music/mermaidstavern
Susie on Sunday (Susan Werner) ~ 7pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/290845345296938/
The Whispering Tree Live ~ 1pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/2928841623898181/
Monday, August 31 through Sunday, October 11, 2020
Global Music Match (virtual music presentations from three continents, much of it “folk” or “folk-like”) ~ https://www.facebook.com/globalmusicmatch/ ~ August 31-October 11, 2020 with hundreds of performances. Over the next few weeks we will be introducing different acts from around the world - so that you can enjoy their music too.
Monday, August 31, 2020 and every Monday
Pandemic Open Mic Mondays, hosted by David Rovics of Portland Oregon, participants from all over the world ~ 1pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/232803554447365/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/drovics/
Annie Patterson and Peter Blood “Rise Up and Sing” Concert ~ 3pm ~ Facebook Live @RiseUpandSing1 https://www.facebook.com/RiseUpAndSing1/
Owen Dara, Elle Sompres and Nikki O’Neil Songs and Sit-downs ~ 10pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/234048904586338/
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 and every Tuesday
Cosy Sheridan’s Tuesday Morning Music ~ 10:30-11 am ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/585866555668369/
Heard Collective "Heard At Home" every Tuesday at 3pm EDT, British Singer-songwriters and multi-instrumentalists Daisy Chute and Cerian host a singaround and lighthearted gab session with one female guest each week. The variety and sound quality are quite good. https://www.facebook.com/HEARDCollective/ or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPCId_jwF_2cTAlDB_MP0Q/videos
SONiA Disappear Fear Terrific Tuesdays ~ 2pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/1003893350013220/
Earl White Stringband & Eddie Bond and Friends – Music of Our Mountains – Fiddle and Banjo ~ 4pm https://www.facebook.com/events/282774849497960/
Virtual Open Mic “at” Passim Livestream ~ 8pm EDT ~ https://www.passim.org/stream/
Wednesday, September 2, 2020 and every Wednesday
TAARKA Live Wednesdays ~ 9pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/2572006576372508/
Concerts from the American Folklife Center ~ 12:00 noon ~ https://www.loc.gov/concerts/folklife/
Thursday, September 3, 2020 and every Thursday
Cerian Live Stream ~ 4pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/2905097299588985/
Golden Shoals “at” Passim ~ 8pm EDT ~ https://www.passim.org/stream/ https://www.facebook.com/events/303328440926270/
Friday, September 4, 2020
High Street Coffee House on Zoom and Facebook Live ~ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/High-Street-Coffee-House-483811878767123/ ~ 10-12 slots of 2 songs or 10 minutes each. Must sign up in advance. Feature is Mary Fagan and the Honeybees.
Friday, September 4 through Monday, September 7 2020
Passim’s Campfire Festival ~ 5-11pm daily ~ https://www.passim.org/live-music/club-passim/campfire-festival/ https://www.passim.org/stream/ https://www.facebook.com/clubpassim/live
Friday, September 4, 2020 and every Friday
Carla Ulbrich (Funny songs and comedy sketches) ~ 7pm ~ https://www.youtube.com/user/carlaulbrich/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=17
Terre Roche Sunset Singing Circle ~ 6:30 PM ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/647029345852590/
Ellis Paul’s Traveling Medicine Show ~ 7pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/ellispaulmusic/ ~ a different guest and theme each week.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Paul Driscoll (actually) at Hungry Goats Eatery ~ 7-10pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/719047605611649/ ~ 4 Slip Road, Greenfield NH
Saturday, September 5, 2020 and every Saturday
Volkert Volkersz (actually) at Keene Farmer’s Market ~ 9am to 1pm EDT ~ Gilbo Ave, Keene NH ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/348410719880270
Monday, September 7, 2020 (Memorial Day)
36th Annual Bread & Roses Heritage Festival (virtual) ~ 12 noon to 6pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/304857037180947 ~ This year we have all been faced with some great challenges one of those challenges is figuring out how to bring our great supporters the 36th Annual Bread And Roses Heritage Festival. With the current circumstances in mind there were two things that we as a board knew were of the utmost importance, the safety of our supporters and community and finding a way to continue the mission and message of our great festival. During these uncertain times the fight for workers rights is more important than ever and luckily our programming lends itself to transitioning to a virtual format. We have had the fortune of cultivating a strong online following in years past and are excited to be able to share this year's festival all around the world. As the region’s only true Labor Day festival the 36th Annual Bread & Roses Heritage Festival will do it's best to bring all of the things you have grown to know and love from our festival as well as some new exciting features and highlight Lawrence, Massachusetts’ multi-cultural roots and rich labor history while commemorating the most significant event in Lawrence history: the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike. Stay tuned as we will soon be providing all of this year's details. We are working very hard to bring you a remarkable experience that you will be able to enjoy from the comfort of your own home.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Ellika Frisell & Bruce Molsky ~ 8pm EDT ~ https://brucemolsky.com/ourconcerts
Mirah sings songs from “C’mon Miracle” ~ 8pm EDT ~ Tickets and details https://noonchorus.com/nova-arts-block-mirah/ 20% of profits go to Northeast Farmers of Color Land Fund Trust
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Mustard's Retreat “at” Peterborough Folk Music Society ~ 7pm EDT ~ https://www.pfmsconcerts.org/ show will be via Zoom and will be streamed live on Youtube and Facebook live.
Sam Robbins and Lewloh “at” Passim Livestream ~ 8pm EDT ~ https://www.passim.org/stream/
Wednesday, September 9 through Saturday, September 12, 2020
Virtual CT Folk Fest ~ https://ctfolk.com/ https://www.facebook.com/events/275611123646895/ ~ Join us for our 28th CT Folk Fest & Green Expo as we bring you a multi-day event in a virtual format! Safety has become a priority for artists and arts venues alike. In keeping with CDC guidelines and navigating through an evolving pandemic-driven landscape, CT Folk has made the decision to continue the music, and our commitment to our community. CT Folk Fest will be shared with an expanded listening audience through a virtual platform that can be watched on Facebook Live or Youtube Live. Kim Moberg, Peter Lehndorff, , Among the Acres, Ruthie Foster, Monica Rizzio, GokdenOak, Diana Alvarez, Keller Williams, John John Brown, Bumper Jacksons, The Promise is Hope.
Wednesday September 9, 2020
Kemp Harris “at” Passim Livestream ~ 8pm EDT ~ https://www.passim.org/stream/
Mustard’s Retreat “at” Peterborough Folk Music Society ~ 7pm ~ https://www.pfmsconcerts.org/
Friday, September 11,
Seth Glier (actually sold out) at Deb’s House Concerts, Harrisville NH ~ 5:00 pm ~ https://www.pfmsconcerts.org/ http://ticketstage.com/T/DEBSHOUSE deb@pfmsconcerts.org 603-827-2905
Saturday September 12, 2020
Seth Glier (actually) at Deb’s House Concerts, Harrisville NH ~ 4:00 pm ~ https://www.pfmsconcerts.org/ http://ticketstage.com/T/DEBSHOUSE deb@pfmsconcerts.org 603-827-2905
Goldenoak (actually) Live at Narrow Gauge Cinema ~ 7-9pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/2698434200430234 ~ 15 Front Street, Farmington ME
Shawn Colvin ~ 7pm CDT ~ https://boxoffice.mandolin.com/collections/shawn-colvin/products/live-from-these-four-walls-live-stream-2-saturday-september-12th-my-favorite-movie-songs
Cliff Eberhardt “at” Passim ~ 8pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/754655231768213/
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Takoma Park Alternative Folk Festival ~ 7pm-10pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/741921883296508/
Mike Block “at” Passim ~ 8pm ~ https://www.passim.org/stream/
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Robert Jones and Matt Watroba “at” the folk Project NJ ~ 7pm EDT ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/2726126341009796/
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Open Mic (actually) at Rindge NH town common ~ 12 noon to 6pm (rain date following Saturday) ~ call Ray at 603-731-1713 or nooniekirk52@gmail.com ~ Acoustic Open Mic with 20 minute slots available to performers; max 3 people on stage at a time. COVID-19 safe.
Citizen Cope (actually) at Cheshire County Fairgrounds, Swanzey NH ~ 8pm ~ https://eventlink.to/citizencope https://www.drive-in-live.com/
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Takoma Park Alternative Folk Festival ~ 7pm-10pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/741921883296508/
Slaid Cleaves “at” Peterborough Folk Music Society ~ 4pm EDT ~ https://www.pfmsconcerts.org/
Friday, September 25, 2020
Zoe Lewis “at” Passim Livestream ~ 8pm EDT ~ https://www.passim.org/stream/
Mainesqueeze (actually) at #S Artspace Loading Dock ~ 6pm ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/626828294615228/ 319 Vaughan Street, Portsmouth NH
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Shawn Colvin ~ 7pm CDT ~ https://boxoffice.mandolin.com/collections/shawn-colvin/products/live-from-these-four-walls-live-stream-3-saturday-september-26th-songs-and-the-stories-behind-them
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Masked Ball (actually) at Old Fort Number 4 (and actually masked) ~ 7:00 to 10:30pm ~267 Springfield Road, Charleston NH , music by Prudence and Tobias; Dance Mistress Madam Bourdon, fancy dress ~ https://www.facebook.com/events/401021950614889/
Repeating Events (other than weekly):
First Friday of Every Month and every Friday in August (live and socially distanced, until December 4)
3S Artspace, (live and socially distanced, until December 4) ~ 5-8pm ~ Reserved tables for 4 people or less ~ see https://www.facebook.com/3sartspace/events/ for information on acts and reservations ~ Multiple genres (folk fans may be interested in River Sister, Fri Aug 21, two seatings
Global Music Match (virtual music presentations from three continents, much of it “folk” or “folk-like”) ~ https://www.facebook.com/globalmusicmatch/ ~ August 31-October 11, 2020 with hundreds of performances. Over the next few weeks we will be introducing different acts from around the world - so that you can enjoy their music too.
Partially Re-opened COVID-aware Live Music Venues:
Molly’s Tavern, New Boston NH ~ Fri, Sat, Sun afternoons. Visit https://www.facebook.com/MollysTavernAndRestaurant for listings
Birchwood Inn, Temple NH ~ irregular live performances on the porch. Visit https://www.facebook.com/The-Birchwood-Inn-Restaurant-and-Tavern-1688170464795019 for listings. May be streamed live. (example: Rich Laurencelle https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2757841137833891&extid=J4hO5Oqo6SAa6gAh )
Archived and irregular events:
Claudia Schmidt's weekly half-hour show, currently archived and on hiatus ~ archived at https://claudiaschmidt.com/ and livestreamed (pre-recorded) at https://www.facebook.com/claudia.schmidt.71697/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbS00xy4PQ92u8dBVxhBiOw
Connecticut Live Home Music Arts Series ~ https://www.facebook.com/Connecticut-Live-Home-Music-Art-Series-109993767327503/
Folk Alley Live Concerts Archive of live performances by folk artists, the most recent being Sarah Siskind. Includes all the performances from Passim’s 2020 Campfire Festival. https://www.facebook.com/watch/96888610866/
Joyce Andersen and Harvey Reid ~ York, Maine ~ http://www/joyscream.com/livestream or https://www.facebook.com/JoyceAndersenMusic/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/Joyscream/ ~ their weekly Friday night livestreams have ended as of July 31, but their impressive list of performances are still on line and accessible via:
ARCHIVED SHOWS ON YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/JoyceAndersen
HARVEY’s YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/GreatSadRiver/videos
VIDEO LINKS TO ALL SONGS WE'VE DONE: http://joyscream.com/livestream/setlists.html
Kate Wolf Virtual Music Festival, June 25-28 ~ http://acousticmusicscene.com/2020/06/24/kate-wolf-virtual-music-festival-june-25-28/
Music from Scotland ~ https://www.facebook.com/watch/MusicfromScotland
Passim past and future online concert listing can be found at:
Patricia Hammond and Matt Redman ~ Parlor concerts filmed during pandemic quarantine featuring songs from all eras, many of which are considered folk music, but others of which might be show tunes, jazz, blues, gospel or classical ~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoVbUBZO8UxjUseOxdnocIw Extensive list of songs performed in recent weeks: individual songs: http://patriciahammond.com/requests/ performances: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmOunjOPXa1sR-rN5_8Z5nnuvjmrpiarI
People’s Music Network (singarounds, etc.) ~ https://www.peoplesmusic.org/
Sally Rogers' "A Song A Day Keeps the Virus Away" (40 songs) can be heard at: https://www.facebook.com/salrog
Scott Slay’s Zoom Tune Covers Series (multiple artists collaborating over Zoom performing folk/acoustic/roots) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjki3Rdj-2h90Zc0qXM98Sw
Skinner & T'witch's Pick n' Mix Social Club ~ A facebook group where musicians have been posing their work for weeks, hosted by British folk duo Skinner & T'witch ~ join the Facebook group for access to archives and new performances at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/520925108617676/
Social Distancing Streaming Concerts ~ A large compendium of musical events online, including series and individual concerts. Not all are in or near the folk/acoustic genres, but this is an authoritative list that you might want to consult if you don’t find what interests you here. There is something going on every day of the week. ~ https://www.facebook.com/pg/streamingconcerts/events/
The State Theatre, Portland Maine has scheduled a series of live events played on stage to a livestreaming audience ~ many of these fall under the broad rubric of folk and acoustic. See calendar for details:
Tupelo Music Hall's "Drive-In Series" allows you to attend concerts and performances outdoors, sitting in your car. ~ 12, 3, and 6pm ~ Only a few of these are folk or folk-like, and reservations are required, so check out the schedule at https://www.facebook.com/TupeloHall/ 10 A street, Derry NH.
https://www.tupelomusichall.com/tupelo-music-hall-drive-in-experience/ ~ 603-437-5100
Woodsongs (Weekly series of hour-long radio-show video concerts from American Roots Music) ~ https://www.facebook.com/watch/2299809883677676/