We sift through a new study that gives New Hampshire low marks in what it calls “integrity” in State government. While the report says the Granite state does well in some areas like the Executive and Judicial branches, it failed in others like public access to information and ethics enforcement. We’ll look at what’s behind this report and how some in New Hampshire are reacting to it.
- Jon Greenberg - Former Executive Editor of NHPR. He helped conduct research for the State Integrity Investigation.
- David Hess – Longtime Republican State Representative From Hooksett And A Member Of The Ways And Means Committee
- Grant Bosse - Investigative Reporter at Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy.
- Bill Buzenberg - Executive Director of the Center for Public Integrity, an investigative news organization based in Washington, D.C. and source of the report on integrity in state governments.
- Martin Gross – attorney at the Sulloway & Hollis law firm and Chairman of the Legislative Ethics Committee, which administers and enforces the New Hampshire legislature’s ethical standards.