NH cities and towns are supposed to clean their own sidewalks. This winter, that's been a challenge.Tight budgets and staffing shortages are slowing down the cleanup process in some communities.
Algunos republicanos están buscando exigir que los negocios de New Hampshire utilicen el sistema federal de E-Verify,
It may not seem like it, but the days are slowly lengthening, and there are other bright spots in a cold and windy landscape.
Los legisladores estatales oficialmente comenzaron el año el miércoles.
La legislatura de NH discute impuestos para proveedores de cuidado infantil, derechos de propietarios y licencias de conducir para inmigrantes en NH.
Colegio Electoral de NH votó por Kamala Harris en la ceremonia de Cámara de Representantes.
Más de una docena de refugios de invierno abrirán en el estado. Las reglas y horarios de operación varían en cada uno.
“It’s not the gear that will keep you out of trouble, it’s the right mindset,” said Jeffrey Fongemie, director of the Mt. Washington Avalanche Center.
The state’s snowplow naming contest comes after other snowy places held competitions of their own, christening machines across the country with names like “Sleetwood Mac” and “Fast and Flurryous.”
Large swaths of the South and the East Coast are favored to see warmer-than-average temperatures, while the Pacific Northwest has greater odds of cooler-than-normal conditions this winter.