Advocates express skepticism about Casella Waste Systems' fuel assistance offer for Dalton residentsThe point of contact for the assistance program, Pamela Kathan, is running for state office in a special election for former Rep. Troy Merner’s seat, following his resignation. This is the second year the company has offered assistance.
The organization that runs 211 says it saw a 52% increase in calls about fuel assistance this September over last.
Costs are expected to stay high for heating this year, and officials say applying for help before it starts to get cold will help with processing applications.
Staff shortages and a wave of applications left many waiting longer than in years past. But advocates say policy changes could help the system weather that demand.
Residents can apply for fuel assistance through the state’s community action agencies, which say they will accept applications through Monday, May 1.
There’s still time to apply for assistance with energy bills, and expanded assistance options are available for Granite Staters this year.
The Legislature allocated $42 million to an emergency energy assistance program in September, and expanded eligibility to include residents who earn between 60 and 75% of the state median income.
The emergency rental assistance program provided a different kind of assistance for utility bills, which some advocates say will be difficult to lose.
The outreach would aim to inform families already using food assistance about fuel assistance they could qualify for and vice versa.
Give Back New Hampshire is a bi-weekly segment that spotlights New Hampshire nonprofit organizations. It airs every other Saturday at 9:35 during Weekend Edition.