New Hampshire House Speaker Steve Shurtleff has suspended State Rep. Tamara Le from the House Education Committee for a Facebook post in which Le used a profanity to deride private and religious schools.
Le represents North Hampton, where she is also a school board member. Her legislative district also includes Newington, Greenland and a ward in Portsmouth.
Le's comment – "f[***] private and religious schools" – was posted October 20. It was in the context of a discussion of private schools; Le said that many lack anti-discrimination polices to protect students with disabilities.
Republicans seized on the Facebook post, after it was reported on by the website NH Journal, and presented Shurtleff with a petition asking for Le to be removed from the House Education Committee.
Shurtleff said he was offended by Le's comment and that a suspension was fitting.
Le, who is one of seven assistant majority floor leaders in the House, told Seacoast Online that she respects Shurtleff's decision and that her Facebook post amounted to a "bad choice for words."