Sarah Gonzales
Seven football players at Sayreville War Memorial High School have been charged in connection with criminal sexual contact involving younger players. The state may charge them as adults.
The mayor of Fort Lee, New Jersey, says he's taking Governor Chris Christie at his word, that Christie was not involved in the lane closures to the George Washington Bridge that turned Fort Lee into a parking lot. But not all residents are convinced.
As the East Coast sweats its way through another heat wave, not everyone has the luxury of air conditioning. In the Inwood neighborhood of Manhattan, the mostly Dominican population has moved their lives outside, where the city has kept the parks open and turned on water sprinklers.
Janitors suffer some of the highest rates of injury on the job. That costs employers millions of dollars in compensation and lost work time. A Florida school district decided to address the issue by instituting a fitness test for prospective custodians. But the test is so tough the district is having a hard time filling positions.