Elodie Reed
Elodie has worked as a reporter at the Concord Monitor and the St. Albans Messenger. For the last couple of years she's been working as a freelance journalist as she pursued her MFA in nonfiction writing. She comes back to Vermont from Williamstown, MA.
A couple living along the edge of the Richmond Volunteers Green, Amy and Dacyn Chanelle, say the park does flood on a regular basis, but not quite like this. In the end, they had to leave.
Even on cold days, you'll find some brave people taking a quick dip in Lake Champlain. They call themselves the Red Hot Chilly Dippers, and they say water temperatures in the 40s are invigorating.
How some Northeast organizations are trying to return land, decision-making power to people of colorIndigenous people, together with other people of color, manage just 1% of what we now know as Vermont's farmland.
Leahy is the U.S. Senate's longest-serving Democrat.
Los agricultores, o trabajadores agrícolas, son parte de las comunidades de Vermont que más enfrentan obstáculos para acceder a la vacuna contra el COVID-19, en su mayoría, por barreras de lenguaje, largas jornadas de trabajo o por falta de transporte seguro.Sin embargo, con la ayuda de alianzas de salud comunitaria, 1,500 agricultores en Vermont han obtenido sus dosis. Pero, mientras la pandemia se extiende, persiste la necesidad de mejor atención médica para los agricultores.
What would you do if your business plummeted in the middle of a pandemic? This is a very real scenario for a number of Vermonters, and when it happened...
Two Vermonters who tested positive for COVID-19 have died. Gov. Phil Scott and Health Commissioner Mark Levine announced the first coronavirus-related...