Safety officials are expecting a large number of ATV enthusiasts will be following trails in the North Country over the holiday weekend and they’re saying safety patrols will be watching for reckless behavior...
The riders are being attracted by the new 1,000-mile network called Ride the Wilds, part of an economic development effort for the North Country.

“I’m asking them to drive safe. To be out there, to think about what they are doing,” said Fish and Game Lieutenant Wayne Saunders. “Sober is huge.”
Saunders says Fish and Game, local police and the Coos County sheriff will have extra patrols out. In addition local ATV clubs will have volunteers checking trails.
Saunders also hopes if responsible ATV riders see reckless or irresponsible behavior they’ll apply some peer pressure. Otherwise, he said, land owners may simply refuse to allow their property to be used.
In the last seven years there have been 13 ATV-related deaths around the state, according to Fish and Game.
For NHPR News this is Chris Jensen