Word of Mouth intern Hanna Goldberg is smart, sassy, funny, and exceedingly stylish...and those are just a few of the reasons I'm totally jealous of her. So when she got the chance to interview one of her favorite musicians, John Darnielle from The Mountain Goats, I did what any nurturing and supportive mentor would do...made it as scary as possible.
Did Hanna need to record her conversation with John in big-girl Studio B? Nope Did she really need me to engineer and listen in on the interview? Of course not. And is it truly station policy to take multiple photographs of everyone their first time behind the mic and immediately post them to Facebook? No...it isn't. But I did all that anyway.
And you know what? Hanna rocked it. Sure, she was a little nervous at first...and later, after listening back to her tape, declared the whole experience to be "the perfect torture for someone with social anxiety." But despite my best efforts to take revenge on this sparkling, brilliant, and better-dressed-than-me up-and-comer by throwing her into the shark tank, she survived the ordeal fully intact. And did so, I might add, while looking pretty darn awesome.
So, there's that.
(Oh...did I mention that she's only 23???? Argh!)