Bruce Springsteen's Theology"Well I think Springsteen is interesting because he actually uses a lot of Biblical and theological imagery in a very explicit…
When Executive Chancellor Jones mentioned she'd be "all ears" if someone were to work on a fight song for Oaksterdam, we saw that as an opportunity. Watch…
The Science of Superheroes"Pretty much everything that superheroes do has to either conform or not conform to physics, depending on how they’re presented.…
Video Games & History"One game that we’ve played in the class was Sid Meier’s Civilization, which lets the player manage a civilization from the Bronze…
The American Vacation“Vacations were an important part of the social life of the upper class in the United States throughout the 19th century. They even…
Zombies In Popular Media“I like the philosophical questions the best, so the zombie movies that really challenge us to think about how we react to other…
Introduction to Turfgrass Management, Golf Course Design and Construction , Turfgrass management and Irrigation, & Golf Course Management“There is a split…
The Uncommon Core: How To Win A Beauty PageantThe Uncommon Core is a series that examines unusual college courses being taught in schools across the United States. In this episode, a professor…
Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond“I wanted to start teaching this course because I wanted a way to engage students in linguistics without having to…