The former House speaker also says there's no reason for him to exit the race for the Republican presidential nomination. He has doubts about whether Mitt Romney will have enough delegates to be the nominee before the party's August convention.
When voters in Michigan go the polls Tuesday, it's unlikely many will tick the box for Newt Gingrich. In part, that's because the former House speaker has all but written off the state. It's a calculated decision, he says, all part of a new strategy to reclaim front-runner status.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is facing his most important challenge yet — winning Georgia on Super Tuesday. Georgia is considered Gingrich's home because he represented parts of the state in Congress for 20 years, but he hasn't lived there for more than a decade.
This weekend, newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary by a two digit margin over Mitt Romney. Or, in the words of the gamer generation, Mitt Romney…
In South Carolina, the race to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney is hitting a fever pitch. The state's GOP primary is Saturday.
All of the Republican presidential hopefuls take on President Obama in their stump speeches, attacking his health care plan, his jobs record and more. But the shorthand former House Speaker Newt Gingrich uses, calling the nation's first black president the "food stamp president," triggers questions about race.
Neither of them finished in the top three in New Hampshire, but Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum both say their campaigns will continue.The two of them…
Mitt Romney spent his Monday focusing vote-rich southern New Hampshire. He started at a chamber of commerce breakfast Nashua, where a comment he made…
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is drawing sharp distinctions between himself and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in the final days of the…
GOP presidential contender Newt Gingrich has made overhauling the judiciary one of his key proposals on the stump. It's an issue that has special resonance in Iowa, where the judiciary became a potent political issue after the state Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.