NHPR Folk Music and Dance Calendar Week of Mon. 07/29/19By Kate McNally http://nhpr.org/people/kate-mcnally/ •/ July 28, 2019Related Program:The Folk Show…
NHPR Folk Festival Calendar 7.15.18Folk Festival Calendar July 15, 2018July 19-22, 2018>>>Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak Hill, New Yorkhttp://greyfoxbluegrass.comPerformers include: Dry…
NHPR Folk Festival Calendar 7.8.18July 13-15, 2018>>>Green River FestivalGreenfield, Massachusettshttp://www.greenriverfestival.comPerformers include: Michael Franti and Spearhead, Old…
NHPR Folk Festival Calendar 6.24.18June 24 -29, 2018>>>The Acadia Trad FestivalBar Harbor, Mainehttp://www.acadiatradschool.com/festival/Performers include: There are many headliners plus…
Folk Festival Calendar June 10, 2018June 21-23, 2108 >>>Concord Market DaysConcord NH https://ccanh.com/events/south-stage-market-days/Performers include:…
NHPR Festival Calendar 5.6.18Folk Festival Calendar Apr 30, 2018May 19, 2018>>>All Roads FestivalBelfast, Mainehttp://allroadsmusicfest.org/ Multi-genre festival; performers include…
Folk Festival Calendar 7.26.15July 30-Aug 2Pemi Valley Bluegrass Festival ~ Thornton, NHSugar Shack Campground www.pemivalleybluegrass.com 603-726-6005Performers include: The Gibson…
Folk Festival Calendar 7.5.15July 5-11Festival On the Green ~ Middlebury, VTAt the Middlebury Recreation Park : 802-462-3555Performers include: Vance Gilbert, Ten Strings & a Goat…
Monday, July 29>>>The Ennis Sisters (Country & Celtic) at the Tillotson Center ~ Colebrook, NH ~ 7pm ~ www.gnwca.org 603-246-8998Wednesday, July 31>>>The…