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NHPR honors Memorial Day with "Hearing Voices: For the Fallen"

Library of Congress: "Memorial Day." May 28, 1920. Pullman Herald (Pullman, WA), Image 12. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

Listen to "Hearing Voices: For the Fallen" Monday at 1:00 p.m. and again at 9:00 pm. on NHPR and

This Memorial Day join NHPR for a special episode of "Hearing Voices: For the Fallen". Major Robert Schaefer of US Army Special Forces Green Beret and poet, Colonel Robert Schaefer, US Army, host the voices of veterans remembering their comrades.

We'll talk with troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan— and reading their emails, poems, and journals, as part of the National Endowment for the Arts project “Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience.”

We'll also hear interviews from StoryCorps, an essay from This I Believe, and the sounds of a Military Honor Guard, recorded by Charles Lane.

And we attend the daily "Last Post" ceremony by Belgian veterans honoring the WWI British soldiers who died defending a small town in western Belgium.

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