When Hurricane Irene struck the Upper Valley in 2011, The Upper Valley Haven, an emergency shelter in White River Junction, was there to help those who…
When Hurricane Irene struck the Upper Valley in 2011, The Upper Valley Haven, an emergency shelter in White River Junction, was there to help those who…
Figuring that storms are as inevitable as death and taxes a North Country planning group will be looking at ways to minimize the impact of bad weather on…
In late August of 2011, New England prepared as the storm barreled up the east coast. Though downgraded to a tropical storm, Irene was still daunting --…
The White Mountain National Forest will be getting $4 million in federal funds to repair road and bridge damage caused by Tropical Storm Irene. But that…
Some New Hampshire residents are still dealing with power outages from the aftermath of the October snowstorm.But in the Upper Valley, many businesses are…
It’s been almost a month since Tropical Storm Irene caused major floods around New Hampshire.For most of the state the storm is a memory and life has…
By Erik Eisele It’s been over a week since tropical storm Irene flooded parts of the White Mountains, washing out bridges and roads.The flooding damaged…
In White River Junction, a melange of fascinating businesses face challenges recovering from Irene...but not nearly so great as the obstacles facing…
Three rivers in the northern part of the state set new records thanks to Irene. On Sunday the water flow was more than 100 times normal for the Saco and…