Jason Slotkin
"Animation has been critical to the MTV brand from its inception," says MTV Entertainment president Chris McCarthy. The network helped bring adult and experimental animation into the mainstream.
Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the former president said his successor had "the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history."
The bill would legalize cannabis for recreational use by adults starting in 2024. But some Democrats and advocates say the legislation doesn't do enough to address racial disparites in drug laws.
Lawmakers and journalists are calling on President Biden to punish Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after a report found he had approved the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
The vice president touted how President Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package would benefit Black Americans hit disproportionately hard by the coronavirus.
The supply ship is named for Katherine Johnson, a Black NASA mathematician portrayed in the 2016 film. It's bringing some 8,000 pounds supplies and hardware to the International Space Station.
More than 150 million are under warnings and advisories stretching from the South and Northwest and into the Northeast. The entire state of Texas was under winter advisories on Sunday.
In a statement issued shortly after a final vote in the Senate on a charge of inciting an insurrection, Trump said the "movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun."
The White House has "deep concerns" over how initial findings on the coronavirus were communicated and demands China make data available to investigators, national security adviser Jake Sullivan says.
Biden's first address was a conversation with a woman who lost her job during the pandemic. The White House says Biden will use a "variety of forms" in his take on the weekly radio address.