Foreign policy has taken center stage in Election 2012 after protests and violence at multiple U.S Embassies. Political back and forth about how or how not to respond to the incidents have held up headlines, while the riots themselves remind us that there is world outside our borders that may not be voting for the next President of the United States, but nevertheless have an opinion. We wanted to expand our on the international perspective of Election 2012, so we called Foreign Policy Associate Editor Josh Keating.
Final results: Summary results | Town resultsThe BasicsThe New Hampshire primary is a mainstay in American electoral politics. Every four years, voters gather to help determine the Republican and/or Democratic nominee for President. While the state only has 12 electoral votes in 2012 (normally it’s 24, but the Republican National Committee penalized the state party for moving up the event date), the primary’s position as one of the earliest contests gives the state out-sized influence over the nomination process.Only the Iowa caucuses come before New Hampshire’s primary. Traditionally, New Hampshire’s broad-based primary contest has been seen as a counter-weight to Iowa’s more drawn-out caucus process, which tends to draw a smaller core of party faithful. In the case of the 2012 Republican race, New Hampshire’s electorate is seen to represent the more libertarian-leaning, fiscally conservative wing of the party, while Iowa voters are seen as representing the socially conservative wing of the GOP base.N.H. Primary summary provided by StateImpact - NH reporter, Amanda Loder
A Foreign Perspective on Election 2012

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