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Coming this fall to Writers on a New England Stage

Writers on a New England Stage returns this fall with a new line up of world-class authors to read from their latest works and talk about their creative process, and their stories. Writers featured this year include Nina Totenberg, Huma Abedin, and John Irving. Writers on a New England Stage is a partnership of The Music Hall and New Hampshire Public Radio.

The series kicks off with Nina Totenberg on Wednesday, September 21 at 7pm to discuss her book, Dinners with Ruth. The conversation will be hosted by Hannah McCarthy, co-host of NHPR’s Civics 101. For more info and to purchase tickets click HERE.

Huma Abedin follows on Tuesday, September 27 at 7 PM to discuss her memoir Both/And.

In the New York Times bestselling memoir Both/And, first-time author Huma Abedin—Hillary Clinton’s top aide and advisor—offers “a gripping testament to the power of a woman finding her voice, owning her ambition, and sharing her truth” (Glennon Doyle). Hosted by Hannah McCarthy. For more info and to purchase tickets click HERE

John Irving returns on Tuesday, October 18 at 7 PM to discuss his new novel The Last Chairlift, his first novel in seven years, which is a ghost story, a love story, plus a lifetime of sexual politics. The conversation will be hosted by NHPR Morning Edition host, Rick Ganley. More details to come!

All events will be presented at a later date as a special broadcast on NHPR.

This award-winning Writers on a New England Stage series, launched in 2005, has presented such celebrated authors as Dan Brown, Margaret Atwood, Stephen King, USSC Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Judy Blume, Tom Brokaw, Jodi Picoult, and David McCullough; all on stage at The Music Hall’s Historic Theater in downtown Portsmouth, NH. Each literary evening features an author presentation followed by an onstage interview with a New Hampshire Public Radio host. Live music is performed by the award-winning house band Dreadnaught. Shows are rebroadcast on New Hampshire Public Radio.

Follow the series on social media at #WNES.

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