The United States is poised for the birth of a brand new industry: offshore wind energy. It’s an industry that will invest tens of billions of dollars in our economy, reshape our coastal communities, and could be one of the sharpest knives in our fight against climate change.
It may also represent the first time truly massive companies have retooled entire business models to train their sights at the climate problem. And that last point raises sticky questions about how capitalism - which, you could argue, got us into this whole climate mess - could be a vital player in stopping the worst impacts of climate change.
Windfall, a five-part special series from NHPR’s Outside/In podcast, is the story of a promising renewable energy technology and the potential of wind power in a changing climate. It’s the story of an organized opposition, and how the failures of the past will define the future success of offshore wind. Ultimately, Windfall is a series about who has the power to reshape our energy future.
Explore the full five-part podcast series.